We believe that technology can help to democratize health, and more specifically, mental health. We believe we can help reorganize network connectivity in the brain through technology. Our main goal is to enable rehabilitation instruments for all those who need it. We design and develop technological tools for the treatment of patients with Developmental Disorders and Neurological Disorders, through Artificial Intelligence, intuitive, accurate, innovative and scientifically validated.
Sincrolab was born with the mission of giving global access to the latest advances in neuroscience, synchronizing cutting-edge technologies with specialized centers for patients care.
Everything is oriented and patient based. They are the reason for our existence. And our goal is to make our products and services improve the lives of patients who enjoy them.
Honesty with facts and results. For us the results and the facts are fundamental. We always learn from the results to improve our products and services.
Technology is a tool for us. With the best tools we can get the best results.